white pumpkins…




I love white pumpkins. White anything. In fact, the color scheme in this photo represents almost our entire house. My "colors" are almost always ivory, white, grey, brown, and black. Even with holiday decor! I'm thankful my husband and friends approve. Simple, and soothing.

image via little brown pen


  1. That is usually my color scheme too. At least for the big pieces, furniture, rugs and such. That way I can add bright colors in smaller doses and switch them up as I change my mind. And I change my mind a lot! =)
    I’m thinking next Halloween of doing all black and white decor, there might be a white pumpkin shortage in our area, they will all be at our house.

  2. I love little white pumpkins, but I am not usually a white decor fan. Don’t know something about it makes me think steril hospital like. I really like warm colors. They make me feel happy.

  3. Hip Hip…yes, you can always add pops of color when you have a neutral base…and it’s a less expensive way to do that! ;)

    Emily…white can actually be very warm if you want it to be…I do not like sterile either. I stick with warm whites (like ivory) and when you have warm wood floors and/or shades of brown it can be very cozy. You can certainly make white a sterile look, but that’s not my taste. Thanks for chiming in!

  4. lol i thought they were garlics when i saw them at Little Brown Pen’s site!! Guess that’s because the market today had a stall that was solid garlics… about 12 feet of nothing but garlics heaped up on the table! Both are great but pumpkins sound much better… :)

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