thoughts on blogging…





What began as a creative outlet in 2010 has evolved into so much more. Lately though, I've been second guessing myself. I've always focused on original content, but it has shifted in the past year, with my family life at the forefront. Many questions have cycled through my mind about content, quality vs. quantity, and purpose. With so many amazing bloggers, where do I fit in, and will I lose readers with this new direction? The answer is yes, I might…but I realized that as we evolve, so do our blogs…and that's a beautiful thing. I document my passions, my interests, my life. I'm still a francophile. I'm still a traveler. I'm still a designer. Above all else, I'm a woman, a wife, and a mother…my life is "fleurishing" now more than ever. So I'm going to embrace it, and will continue to share my personal journey. As always, I am so grateful to you ALL for joining me. Please share…have you have faced similar challenges with your blog? 

image by fredric schwartz 



  1. Oh and I appreciate your presence very much!!! Stay with us, keep inspiring us, wake the francophile in all of us:-)

  2. I have most definitely struggled with the same blogger “identity crisis.” I used to blog daily about anything and everything, and I had a pretty decent following, but I reached a point where it felt like a chore and I wasn’t enjoying it anymore. Now I blog extremely sparsely (I think maybe ten posts in 2012 so far??), due to both time restraints and feeling more interest in preserving some semblance of privacy lately. When I do blog, I do it on my terms and depending on what I’m feeling like sharing. How many readers I have means nothing if I’m not enjoying the process. I blog for me now instead of anyone else.

  3. Oh Susan I love everything you write about and especially when it’s about your family!
    I completly understand you though, I am struggling with the same thing. I used to have a stronger readership and a focus for each day of the week on my blog but now I am barely getting by with a pregnancy related post every two weeks! I know I’m going to have to change the format (actually should have changed it 5months ago!) but I’m draggin my heels. I don’t want to lose the bloggin friends I gained with the old one……
    Will anyone want to read about me being a new Mom?

  4. Hi Susan. I think it’s normal for a blog to evolve as it’s author evolves as an individual. After all, our blogs are a reflection of each of us, what inspires us, what moves us, what challenges us and so forth. As a blogger all you can do is write/design/photograph etc. with is involving your life, thoughts, dreams or inspirations at that time. Whatever happens to Fleurishing, know that you have loyal reader across the pond in England.

  5. Thanks Brooke…I always said I would stop if it became a chore, thankfully that hasn’t happened. I enjoy it, and the number of readers has never been a concern, but more a concern of losing dedicated readers who I enjoy connecting with so much. Thank you for your thoughts!

  6. I totally understand Sam, and thank you! Yes…plenty will want to read about your new mom adventures, I know I will. You may lose a few past readers, but don’t fret-you will make new friends and feel passionate about what you are writing.

  7. Susan, I’m not going to add anything that hasn’t already been said but know, if you don’t already, that I’m going through my own blog growing pains. So you’re not alone.

    I think this kind of thing invariably happens. Wait. Scratch that. Not always to everyone. But… I think when these kind of feelings start cropping up you can take it as a testament to your own authenticity and desire to be more yourself than an imitation of others. And I do believe that’s what lots of readers are looking for. Maybe now more than before?

    Anyway, just know that we’re here with you, for you, by you. Keep on keepin’ on.

    xx UB :)

  8. I’m French but everyday I visit English/American speaking websites & I’m still interesting in your posts.
    A new life is beginning with the babies, so please keep on writing!
    You’re a Francophile & I’m an Anglophile. For me, it’s like reading one of my friends’diary.

  9. Yes!
    Cafe Cartolina used to be a daily blog – I posted 3 posts every day for 4 years.
    With the arrival of Pinterest I have lost interest for blogging – I can’t seem to come up with anything very inspiring that isn’t already on Pinterest.
    So my blog has changed and now it’s pretty much only about Cartolina stuff – which i hope my readers don’t find too monotonous!
    Now I’m finding that Facebook is much more active and interactive – who knew? I have a Cartolina FB page and it’s very popular. Way more comments on it than I used to get on cafe Cartolina.
    Perhaps I’ll stop blogging.

    Thanks for listening to my ramble!

  10. Susan, as you know I was feeling much the same way. I loved what I had going with my old blog but soon, it reached a limit where I realized it was no longer going to take me where I wanted to go. For me, it was all in the name and I felt it was time to create something new I could grow into and that could evolve more flexibly as I evolved. With Fleurishing, you are right in that it may change to incorporate your life-changing moments, and conveniently you are continuing to fleurish as a woman, as a being. I think your blog is well situated to make room for this growth. As with my move, I lost some readers. But the readers excited for my new direction have stayed. Those are the old readers worth keeping and new readers will eventually find you.

  11. Thank you Fiona….yes I agree that Pinterest, Instagram, etc. have changed the blogging community for sure. It’s good to hear you’ve had good response on FB…I cant say the same. ;)

  12. It’s the natural progression of life! You change and so do things around you but THAT’S OK! I think your posts have been far more touching and emotional since you’ve had the little ones and I, for one, love it! Loyal readers will stick around no matter what.

  13. Hi! Stopping by after the alt class today. I relate very much to what you shared. I second guess myself daily. I wish I didn’t but I do! How much personal content vs design vs diy…the list could go on! When I feel overwhelmed I try to disconnect from reading blogs for a day or 2. it usually helps!

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