bon weekend



Happy Friday friends! I’m trying to be productive from bed, as I battle the flu – it hit our household hard and fast this week. I took this photo not long ago, at Valley Forge National Park (a few minutes from where we live), and it reminds me to look to nature when feeling overwhelmed. It’s been quiet here on the blog, as I’ve been contemplating these wise words, and struggling to share anything that feels “fluffy”. Many bloggers are struggling to find words and share their regular content right now, and some are debating whether or not to use their social media presence to speak out. I applaud those who have chosen to do so, despite the very real possibility of losing readers, sponsors, or followers. I’ll say it again – this isn’t about politics–it’s about humanity. I will continue to use this space to share ALL that I am passionate about, and I will never stop contributing my voice to the resistance, and fighting for what is right. If I lose followers or readers, so be it.  I’m sharing a few of my favorite posts on this topic…I hope you’ll weigh in and show them some love.


love trumps hate

on politics + social media

what will I tell my children?

fighting for what’s right is worth it

how to be an ally for refugees + immigrants

bloggers speaking out against the current administration

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