desktop fleurish | été


Summer has arrived, and is making it’s presence very known here on the East Coast. Spring temperatures had been lingering (which I was delighted about) but we’ve had 90 degree days (aka hibernation weather for us) the past week. However, as much as I dislike extreme heat, there is so much to love about this season. For me, happiness can be found in a crisp rosé, fresh strawberries, and ice cream (it seems my summertime joy revolves around eating + drinking). Été means summer in French, and I always associate the color green with this time of year, with everything looking so lush after the spring rain. Lindsey Buck created another inspiring wallpaper for June, so welcome summer on your desktop!

simple desktop | calendar desktop

please note that these designs are for personal use only + not available for commercial usage.

desktop fleurish | plein de vie


It seems May is a busy month for most of us…and the term plein de vie comes to mind, which is a feminine phrase meaning “full of life” or “lively”. That can be interpreted in so many ways, but to me, this month is very full of life, with spring in full bloom and Mother’s Day. My life is certainly more lively thanks to my children, to whom I gave life. See what I mean? The term can have different (and very significant) meanings to everyone. This beautiful design by Lindsey Buck of The Hive Studio is also full of life, don’t you think? Every month she pens a beautiful new desktop download highlighting a French word or phrase…you can see all the designs here. I hope your May is filled with joy + life!

simple desktop | calendar desktop

please note that these designs are for personal use only + not available for commercial usage.

desktop fleurish | bonne chance


Well hello March! I can’t help but think of luck and chance with the upcoming holiday this month…blame it on my Irish heritage. This new series, a collaboration with Lindsey Buck of The Hive Studio, has been popular – thank you for your support! Each month we’re highlighting a French word or phrase, and for March we chose bonne chance. Interestingly enough, the French also consider it bad luck to say this in certain situations, such as before a performance. In that instance, many simply say merde or je te dis merde which is more like “break a leg”. While having the word merde on your desktop would certainly be interesting and a possible conversation starter with your office mates, I figured you might appreciate this one a bit more. Isn’t Lindsey’s work beautiful?! Download both versions below, if you’re feeling lucky!

simple desktop | calendar desktop

please note that these designs are for personal use only + not available for commercial usage.

desktop fleurish | réveillon


New year, new blog series! I’m kicking off 2016 with a monthly desktop download series I’m calling “desktop fleurish”…see what I did there? A collaboration with my talented artist/calligrapher friend Lindsey Buck of The Hive Studio, she’ll be hand-lettering a beautiful French word for your desktop each month. First up is the word réveillon, which means “awakening” in French – the perfect sentiment for the start of a new year, don’t you think? It’s always been a favorite word/concept of mine, and it also happens to be a New Year’s tradition we celebrate each year. This particular download (including two versions of the design) is exclusive to newsletter subscribers, as a thank you to those already subscribed, and to entice you to sign-up if you haven’t yet, of course! You can sign up via the box in my sidebar, or by clicking here.

happy new year + bonne année a tous!

please note that these designs are for personal use only + not available for commercial usage.