memory lane (part deux)


My husband and I said “I do” at this estate ten years ago. We took the kids there in 2015 and were excited to visit again during our last visit. We had intended to say our vows again, privately, in the same spot that we did over a decade ago. Before our visit, we were warned by a family member that the Van Landingham Estate had fallen into disrepair. It had been sold and apparently could even be torn down. I refused to believe it – such a historic gem in Charlotte surely wouldn’t be neglected. However, when we arrived we were met with a serious dose of reality. The once meticulously maintained gardens were overgrown and dying, the house vandalized, with trash strewn about and broken glass…I burst into tears at the sight. It hit us on a deep level – could there be a more obvious metaphor for marriage, and the necessity for care and attention? We stood in awe and in gratitude, thankful that our beautiful garden had been tended to.

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pressing pause


“An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.”

Charlotte Mason


We’ve made a big change in our life  – one that we’ve been debating for many years. If you’ve been following our journey for a while, you might remember this post which sparked quite the conversation in the comments. Two years later and here we are – officially (as in: compulsory age, district-approved) homeschoolers! It was a long road to get here, and not a straight one, but nevertheless, we have arrived. I’m aware that this is a very personal, often controversial topic, but I’m sharing our story in the event it might help someone else in their decision, to connect with other homeschooling families, and to hold ourselves accountable. I don’t think there is any one right way to educate a child. All of the options present their own challenges, and value. It’s not for everyone, and every family strives to make the best choice for their children given their circumstances. We feel quite fortunate to have the option of homeschooling, as my business allows for great flexibility. So far (one month in) it feels a little challenging, a lot right, and even, dare I say – luxurious (at times).

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summer in the berkshires



I’m not sure I love any place more than New England in the summer. Ok ok, maybe France at any time of year, but I digress. If you follow me on social, you might know that our summer got a jumpstart thanks to a leak in our apartment that required us to vacate for repairs. After getting over the initial shock and frustration, and thanking our lucky stars for having great insurance (shout out to USAA), we decided to make the best of our “vacatetion”. With only a week to make arrangements, I did a deep dive into Airbnb and was thrilled to find a dreamy cottage in the heart of the Berkshires. Stretching along the western border of Massachusetts and bordering the Hudson Valley, Vermont and Connecticut, it’s a perfect setting for adventure. Well worth the drive up from Pennsylvania – we exhaled the moment we arrived.







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