memory lane (part deux)


My husband and I said “I do” at this estate ten years ago. We took the kids there in 2015 and were excited to visit again during our last visit. We had intended to say our vows again, privately, in the same spot that we did over a decade ago. Before our visit, we were warned by a family member that the Van Landingham Estate had fallen into disrepair. It had been sold and apparently could even be torn down. I refused to believe it – such a historic gem in Charlotte surely wouldn’t be neglected. However, when we arrived we were met with a serious dose of reality. The once meticulously maintained gardens were overgrown and dying, the house vandalized, with trash strewn about and broken glass…I burst into tears at the sight. It hit us on a deep level – could there be a more obvious metaphor for marriage, and the necessity for care and attention? We stood in awe and in gratitude, thankful that our beautiful garden had been tended to.





Despite the sadness of seeing a place we cherish struggle to stay alive, we decided to commemorate the visit with a few photos. I mean, we did get all dressed up for the occasion! Looking back over the images from 2015, it’s hard to believe how much the kids have grown. They look like such the young adults now in comparison…but they’re still only six! We did manage to get a few images of us (taken by the kids on our phones) for posterity’s sake – we are in desperate need of new family portraits. Before we left we made a wish that this place would stand the test of time. Our marriage has withstood many trials and tribulations and is now stronger than ever – the hard work pays off. I hope someone will take the time needed to breathe new life into this home again soon. I can’t wait to see what the next decade has in store.



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