bon weekend



Having spent much of my childhood playing in the snow, I expect (and always want) more of it, and it seems Mother Nature has granted my wish. We are (literally) snowed in right now in Pennsylvania, but thankfully still have power (fingers crossed it stays that way). I’m feeling a mix of exhilaration and legitimate concern…if you’re a mother, you’ll understand what I mean. While this photo does not convey the amount of snow we currently have, hopefully it evokes the mood of a cozy winter weekend. Here are some links for your weekend enjoyment…stay safe + warm east coast friends. 


 a love letter to winter

 when motherhood is easy

the french are storming brooklyn

afar’s top ten destinations for 2016

amazing video house tours via nytimes

bon weekend



Well hello November! I took this photo last week (and shared it on instagram)…thanks to warmer temps and gentle breezes, we still have this gorgeous scene here in Pennsylvania. Seriously – this season has been the most beautiful I’ve seen in the six years we’ve lived here. I simply cannot get enough, and have been oversharing the gorgeous fall colors on snapchat! This week has been a doozy – my focus has been on a new design client (yay) – but that also means my blog + social media took a backseat. More to come next week, to include a recap of Garance Doré‘s book signing (and meeting one of my idols, squeal)! In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some autumn-inspired links for your weekend!


 homemade pumpkin spice latte

 10 reasons to visit paris in the fall

 unusual + cool fall european traditions

capturing your kids (think: holiday photos)

don’t miss the awesome fall sale at nordstrom

bon weekend + happy fourth!



Oh hello there, Fourth of July weekend – you snuck up on me! I’ve been crazy busy lately, so this weekend is dedicated to catching my breath, spending time with family, and (officially) welcoming summer. Wishing you all a lazy and lovely long weekend (that’s a lot of L’s, whew). Here are a few summer + holiday-inspired links for your weekend enjoyment!


patriotic cocktails

light painting with sparklers

the ultimate fourth of july spread

the recipe for that gorgeous all-american pie above

photography by mary beth johnson of annapolis + company

bon weekend



Our passports are ready + waiting, our (airbnb) apartment is booked, and our suitcases will soon be emerging from the attic. We’re counting down the days until we leave for France, and what will be Henry + Marie’s first flight! Nothing like an 8-hour flight to break them in, eh?! Not nervous at all, nope (insert nervous teeth emoji here). Even though I’ve been researching and planning for this event since they were born, it is still very daunting, especially with twin toddlers. However – many of my favorite articles + posts prove that not only can it be done, but it can actually be enjoyable. I’m on a personal mission to prove that point. Until I do, and can share my own experience + advice, I thought I would share a few of my favorite resources from around the web. Have you flown with your kids? Tips + tricks are welcome!


traveling with kids

tips for flying with kids

traveling with kids: air

20 tips for flying with kids

flying with a baby or toddler

bon weekend



Whew, what a week! I need coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Apologies for the radio silence on the blog – I’ve been overwhelmed with work (in the best kind of way). Even though it’s already Sunday, I figure this bon weekend post is better late than never, right? Right. The frigid temperatures kept us (and maybe you?) mostly indoors this week, and we’re incredibly thankful for the bouncy house we bought a few months ago. I highly recommend it for the winter months if you have toddlers – seriously, it’s priceless. Yesterday we managed a day trip to Brooklyn to celebrate the 40th birthday of my good friend Amy, and today we’re tackling the (twin) toddler bed transition (cue the mommy tears). Tonight, the sofa beckons…the Oscars + a generous glass of wine are in my near future! Here are some links I enjoyed this week…


what color is it?

 selfishness, for now

oscar color-by-number ballot

can you match the dog with it’s owner?