desktop fleurish | bonne chance


Well hello March! I can’t help but think of luck and chance with the upcoming holiday this month…blame it on my Irish heritage. This new series, a collaboration with Lindsey Buck of The Hive Studio, has been popular – thank you for your support! Each month we’re highlighting a French word or phrase, and for March we chose bonne chance. Interestingly enough, the French also consider it bad luck to say this in certain situations, such as before a performance. In that instance, many simply say merde or je te dis merde which is more like “break a leg”. While having the word merde on your desktop would certainly be interesting and a possible conversation starter with your office mates, I figured you might appreciate this one a bit more. Isn’t Lindsey’s work beautiful?! Download both versions below, if you’re feeling lucky!

simple desktop | calendar desktop

please note that these designs are for personal use only + not available for commercial usage.

bonpoint soho



I have long admired and obsessed over Bonpoint – the Parisian clothier which has been creating the standard for children’s French fashion since 1975. As you can imagine, I was more than thrilled to be invited by Bonpoint to photograph + review their SoHo store during my most recent visit to NYC. Always a destination for me when in Paris, I was thrilled when they opened the SoHo location last year (making a total of four locations in NYC). Perfectly situated next to Ladurée, it’s a Francophile’s dream, amd I was absolutely giddy spending my day going back and forth between the two. Before even stepping foot inside the store, the Summer 2015 collection beckoned me through the windows. With pebbles and moss highlighting rich indigo twill and printed cotton voile, my mind was set adrift to exotic, breezy locales…





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french is beautiful



“Nos moments de lumière sont des moments de bonheur. | Our moments of light are moments of happiness.”

Joseph Joubert


Bienvenue et welcome to my new blog series, French is Beautiful! I’ll be documenting my journey of becoming feeling fluent in French, under the tutelage of Carrie Anne James of French is Beautiful. After all, what could be a better name for the series than that?! I had my first lesson last weekend and feel so invigorated. The online program combines weekly video lectures with written, listening + speaking assignments, digital immersion guides, and private Skype coaching! Carrie’s method of teaching is refreshingly natural, and she instantly made me feel comfortable and confident. I’m starting at the beginning, with her Level 1 course, for a three month duration, but will be studying with her all the way to Level 3 (and beyond)! I’m thrilled to review, refresh, and build on what I know, and hope you will follow along with me.

*tutoring c/o French is Beautiful…as always, these opinions are my own*