christmas is coming!



With the weather finally feeling wintery yesterday, we decided it was the perfect day for tree hunting! We made the trek to our favorite local farm, just as we did last year, the year before, and ever since we’ve lived in Pennsylvania. I grew up doing the same with my parents – we always had a real tree. While I acknowledge the pros and cons of both real + faux, my preference will always be a live tree. The experience is timeless – from the hunt, the journey home, the setup (tangled lights and arguments included), the smell, and the magic and wonder. Henry and Marie really got into it this year!






After frolicking through the fields for a bit we got down to business, and found the perfect tree. While the kids probably would have opted for one just their size, we had other plans. Wanting to take advantage of our loft’s soaring ceilings, we decided to go big this year, and did we ever! We’re talking a ten foot douglas fir people – Marie and I both got a little concerned when Daddy started to cut it down, ha. After a joyous hayride + cup of hot cocoa, we returned home tired and triumphant, with another year of priceless holiday memories made. Let the countdown to Christmas begin!





 outfit details: marie’s coat + shoes | henry’s jeansboots




Three. Our babies are three. As you can imagine, I’m feeling very emotional about it…they are growing up way too fast. With our lives still very much a beautiful chaos, it was important for me to make time to capture this milestone on camera. Before the cake, before the birthday festivities (next weekend)…just some time together, along with my lens.




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running on fumes

I’m exhausted. The “terrible twos” (x2) are upon us, and I feel it applies to my second year of motherhood as well. Not that terrible, but very trying. I hesitate to write about this topic, as I really can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. As much as I feel settled and content as a mother, I’m struggling to maintain my own identity (and sanity, ha), as so many women do. Being a mother is both my greatest struggle and reward in my life (thus far). Pretty sure it always will be.

Motherhood isn’t glamorous (as most of us know). I’m a maid, a referee, a chauffeur, a teacher, and a chef. Most days, I live in yoga pants, keep my hair in a messy top knot, and am lucky to get a shower lasting longer than two minutes. I’ve resigned to the fact that a clean and orderly home is simply not possible with twin toddlers (or any young children for that matter), and am doing my best to accept the mess (not easy for a type A personality). Without any help right now, I get my work done during nap time + in the evenings, which isn’t ideal, as I need time for myself, and my husband. Date nights are a rarity–something we hope to remedy soon. I need (and want) more time for my marriage.

Our days are a whirlwind of activity, and even though I’ve grown accustomed to the chaos, it doesn’t make it any easier. I’m usually exhausted by lunchtime, and I get through the the rest of the day with sheer adrenaline + willpower. I’m usually counting the minutes until my husband is home to help with dinner, bath, and bedtime. As grateful as I am for the opportunity to be with them 24/7, I need a break, and am not sure how to get one (without feeling riddled with guilt). I know I’m not alone, and welcome your thoughts. I’m so thankful for this outlet and community.



”A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

This photo happened while focusing on this one, and I just can’t get over it. It’s like they’re an old married couple or something! I love capturing a moment that no one would believe 2 year olds are capable of. Only 20 weeks left in the year…wow. I’m proud of myself for keeping up with this project…I’m already enjoying looking back.

post inspiration