a christmas tradition



Cutting our own Christmas tree has become quite the tradition for our family. I grew up cutting fresh, and have such happy and hilarious memories of the event – it’s incredibly nostalgic for me. Even though we’ve been doing it since before we welcomed Marie + Henry into our lives, it became so much more special with them in tow. It’s hard to believe this is our fourth year doing it as a family! They are just so big now, I can’t get over it. I mean, we let them both carry the saw this year – that speaks volumes. Their bond is truly unbreakable, their friendship and love so very precious.





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four (times two).




Marie and Henry are now four years old…and I’m still in shock. We surprised them with two nights in Manhattan, and a trip to this Martin Creed exhibit which includes a room full of balloons. I first discovered it here, and immediately thought it would be fun for their birthday since we weren’t having a party this year. I wasn’t sure how they would handle it, but they loved it so much! These were the only decent photos I could manage while battling balloons and enjoying the moment with my family. Our time in the city was a bit of a blur (much like these photos), but it was full of fun, including an event at the CMA for Bastille Day, and an amazing suite with a view of Central Park (all of which I shared on snapchat: hutchsusan while there). I’m so proud of the people my children are becoming…they are thoughtful, playful, loving little ones, and I cherish each and every day with them. Happy birthday my beautiful babies.

make a wish



It’s been a long time since I’ve written about motherhood, and it’s often because I have so much to say that I don’t even know where to begin. Almost four years later, I’m still wrapping my mind around the fact that I’m a mother of twins! Becoming a mother (and going from zero to two) has been both a disorienting and enlightening experience for me–my life has changed in every way possible. In fact, the first time I remember truly feeling like an adult was when I first held my children. My priorities have shifted, my marriage has been stretched and challenged, and I’ve grown exponentially.  Marie and Henry have already taught me more about life than I ever could have imagined – you just have to look for the lessons, as they often hide in the most unexpected places. They are just as much my teachers as I am theirs.

I’m making a wish this Mother’s Day. My wish is that I will create more time for myself, and in turn, be a better person, mother, wife, and daughter. Lately I’ve been spread too thin, and it’s taken a toll on me personally, as well as many of my relationships, including the one with my children. Our identities can be so quickly muddled in the midst of motherhood (this post speaks exactly to that point and moved me to tears). I need to demonstrate to both of my children (especially Marie who may someday find herself in my position), that maintaining and continuing to redefine your individuality is crucial. I feel like my wish is a bit ambitious, but certainly attainable. I have one more wish, and that is that you, my dear reader, have a meaningful and merry Mother’s Day weekend (should it apply). What would you like to wish for?

happy mother’s day

mes petits valentins



These two melt my heart on any given day, but this particular moment from Paris just about kills me. I’ve never shared it before, but it is one of our absolute favorites. We were going for a stroll after our lovely brunch at Ladurée and stopped to plan our route. This moment is completely candid, believe it or not. Thank goodness Ashley Ludaescher is such an amazing photographer – not only did she see it coming, but she captured it beautifully as well. Henry and Marie are my forever valentines, but it warms my heart to know that they are also each other’s. Forever and always, a beautiful love.

bonne saint-valentin | happy valentine’s day

three and a half



It’s so cliché and so true–time passes by at warp speed when you have children. The days are long, but the years are short, as the saying goes. It seems like yesterday that Marie + Henry were wearing these shoes, and now they are encased in glass. I look at them every day in disbelief – were their feet really that small?! Three has proven to be a trying age (the terrible threes is a thing)…but despite the tantrums and sibling squabbles, they are happy and well-behaved little people. They’re currently very arts-oriented, with painting, crafts, music and dance being their favorite activities. Most days are spent giggling, which is something I wish we could all hold onto. Happy half birthday my babies. Let’s not rush four, ok?