


As we prepare to celebrate our annual réveillon dinner and say goodbye to 2014, I find myself in a reflective mood, as many do on this day. The word “réveillon” means awakening, and I’ve always loved the concept, especially on New Year’s Eve. To open your eyes and see clearly–both the cracks and the light shining brightly through. This year has been full of beauty, personal + professional growth, happiness + hardship. It’s not unlike your story, I’m sure – our lives all seem to ebb and flow in similar patterns. Periods of (sometimes troubling) recession, followed by (usually thrilling) surges forward. Both phases having their own trials and triumphs. Emerging from those tempestuous waves, I’ve learned a very significant lesson this year–that there is no such thing as balance. It’s an act – always an act of, balancing. My intention for 2015 is to improve my balancing act, making more time for myself amongst the chaos of work and family obligations. To return to my roots, nurture my soul, and enrich my life. I can’t wait to share the journey with you.

happy new year + bonne année!


  1. this is so smart and something I’d like to adopt as well! Beautiful photo, can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight!

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