coiffeur bonton




Yes, that’s right – I’m the obnoxious Mom talking about how her child got a haircut in Paris. I can’t even say that for myself! Ever since I first discovered the coiffeur inside the flagship Bonton, I knew that I had to make it happen. I waited until we arrived, and then called for an appointment. They accept walk-ins, but I wasn’t going to chance it (plus, that’s just not my style). My friend Ashley Ludaescher kindly met us there to capture the moment and hang out (we’re a fun bunch). Monsieur Franck (pictured above) was very welcoming, and immediately made us all feel at ease. After all, a haircut at Bonton can be a little intimidating! Henry not only felt comfortable, but he enjoyed himself – click through for more!


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We’re back! Our trip was both epic + exhausting, whew – traveling with toddlers is no joke. The joyous and memorable moments far outweighed the tough and tiring ones, thankfully. We accomplished so much during our ten days in Paris, and had the most amazing, gorgeous spring weather. I’m not sure it gets any better than April in Paris! I still have so much to share with you – I purposely didn’t post as much on social media as I usually do, as I was focused on being present with my family. I’m anxious to share our adventures, and promise to do so promptly, but currently we’re dedicated to recovering from jet lag and settling back into our regular routine. Check out the #fleurishingfamilleinfrance instagram feed…many thanks to my friend Ashley for capturing this moment (and more)!

ashley ludaescher photography




Hello friends! I’m so happy to be back from France + cannot wait to share more of my adventures–my journey was truly transformative. Having never traveled alone internationally, I pushed my boundaries and found myself outside of my comfort zone often, which I highly recommend. It exposed me to wonderful new experiences, and reaffirmed my self confidence and strength. While it was tough to say goodbye to my French family and friends for now, returning home to my hubby + children was emotional and joyful. As I unpack, get organized, and spend time with my family, I’m very excited to share more with you and promise to do so promptly! In the meantime, you can check out my #fleurishinginfrance instagram feed for a preview…this shot was taken by the lovely Ashley Ludaescher!

 Ashley Ludaescher Photography

proust q & a…chasing heartbeats



I bonded with Ashley Ludaescher via geography…she lives in a region very dear to my heart. In addition to being surrounded by beauty, she captures it with her lens as a professional photographer. She blogs about her inspirations, life and love, and will be wed to her sweetheart later this year…they are a lovely couple! A fellow dreamer and romantic, I appreciate her outlook on life and relate to almost everything she writes. Thank you for sharing Ashley…danke! 


Your idea of happiness.

Being surrounded by the people I love. The place I would say I am happiest is my family’s lakeside cottage in Cape Cod where we visit every summer and where I am getting married in September…one of my favorite places on earth.

Your favourite colour and flower.

If you asked my friends, they would probably tell you my favorite color is black. As far as clothing is concerned that would be correct, although I am really making an effort to add some color into my wardrobe (and would say it has been quite successful thus far). The colors I love definitely depend on my mood and the season. Spring and summer always have me turning to bright happy colors. My favorite flowers are peonies and ranunculus. 

Your favourite food & drink.

In Germany, definitely sauerkraut and schupfnudeln (potato dumplings) and glühwein (mulled wine served at Christmas time). Moving abroad makes me miss all the food I once took for granted…good sushi, Mexican food, In and Out, pho….the list goes on…I love food in a big big way.

Your biggest flaw.


Your idea of misery.

Losing someone I love.

Your favourite qualities in friends.

Loyalty, humor, honesty.

Your chief characteristic.

Always have been and hopefully will always be, a dreamer. 

Where would you like to live?

I am a bit of a vagabond and I hope someday to find a place where I really feel at home…after stints living in San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Paris, Lyon, and now on the French/German border I am still yet to find it. Even though I love all the places I have called home, I am still on the hunt. The next move, Berlin…maybe we’ll find it there.

Your favourite names.

Veda, Anouk, Claude (my grandfather’s name), Brooks (my brother, father, and paternal grandfather’s name)-surely I will someday find some obscure names for our children after being named Ashley. There were 5 Ashley’s in my grade growing up and 3 of those were Ashley H. My parents truly thought they were original.

Your favourite hero (or heroine) in real-life.

My mama.


**the proust q & a is a regular feature..check out the archives here**