


Three. Our babies are three. As you can imagine, I’m feeling very emotional about it…they are growing up way too fast. With our lives still very much a beautiful chaos, it was important for me to make time to capture this milestone on camera. Before the cake, before the birthday festivities (next weekend)…just some time together, along with my lens.




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Today is my birthday! Just like that-another year, another number. I’ll be honest, my birthday grows less important to me as the years pass, but that seems par for the course. My focus now is my children-and I’m finding that all I want to do for my birthday is something for them! Ok, ok…I do have a little something planned for myself this evening, and of course mr. fleurishing will be accompanying me. If you’re curious you can check out my instagram feed to find out what it is!!

 thanks to all of you for being here…you make me feel special every day.