indian summer







Well folks…I would say we’re having an indian summer, wouldn’t you?! These freakish 80+ degree temperatures in October have me a bit sad, I’ll be honest. We decided to cheer ourselves up with some sunshine and splashing around at Longwood Gardens. The kids couldn’t have been happier-we arrived early in the morning to avoid the crowds (and get home in time for naps), and let them roam free. Mommy was giddy to have an excuse for a photo shoot with the linen white dress Marie hadn’t worn yet (yay)! Fashion rules don’t apply to children, haven’t you heard?! We made our way through the kid-friendly areas…secret gardens, fountains, pumpkin patches, ending with an extra special Thomas the Train sighting! We left wet + tired, but with smiles and a sense of accomplishment…a great way to spend a Sunday.

happy birthday babies



Dear babies,

One year ago today we met for the first time. The months before our meeting is a bit of a blur now-such a whirlwind of events and emotions. It was a difficult time for me physically, and although you were flourishing in my womb, I found it hard to connect with you. I was anxious and excited to meet you-I’m not very patient, so 35 1/2 weeks seemed like an eternity! As much as I had dreamed and wished to be a mommy, I wasn’t sure I was ready.

Then I heard you, Marie. Then I saw you, Henry. In that instant, my heart multiplied by two…overwhelming love.

Life became a blur again for a while…a blissful blur. It took a few months to understand your needs, and find my footing as a mother. But by the time you were three months old, I was madly IN love with you and giddy in my new role. Each day brought new experiences, for you and me…and there were so many firsts that we shared (I have each and every one documented). Gradually your unique personalities started to emerge, and not surprisingly…just as you are our physical “mini-me’s”, you also share our personality traits.

At one year of age Marie, you are walking with pride, exploring and observing with great curiosity, smiling at strangers, giving big open mouth kisses, making your brother laugh, dancing to music, attempting to sing, and talking a whole lot of babble (plus saying mama and dada), which melts us to pieces. Your intelligence scares us at times (in the best way), and we hope we can keep up with you as the years go by! Your personality shines and lights up a room-you command attention. You are beautiful beyond words, inside and out, and have a maturity beyond your age…an old soul.

At one year of age Henry, you are speed crawling and standing with confidence, studying everything you come across, belly laughing when tickled, gently cuddling, forcefully playing and wrestling, being a bit reserved with strangers, and kissing so very sweetly. You are incredibly observant and thoughtful…your actions have great purpose. Your loving eyes and handsome face can melt hearts-it does mine every day. Your sweet smile radiates so much love and warmth.

It’s true what they say-the days are long but the years are short. Even though some days seem never-ending, this first year feels like a blink. These twelve months have been the hardest and happiest of my life. You are my loves, my heart…my life.


 happy birthday babies

 one | three | six | nine | twelve






Eleven months old…how can it be? It feels as if we’re racing towards the one year mark, and I’m not sure I’m ready. But ready or not, here it comes. So much has happened in the past month…little miss Marie took her first steps, Henry is walking with his walker, they are eating what mommy and daddy eat (mostly-no starbucks yet), and the bond between them is stronger than ever. They constantly make each other laugh, and they now both give kisses-to us and each other. I’m not sure there is anything more heart melting than sweet Henry spontaneously giving his sissy a kiss…I die every time. Bath time is always fun (as you can see), and these are the moments we want to freeze in time. Life is good.