memory lane



We just returned from a trip down south to Charlotte, North Carolina. I don’t talk about Charlotte much, but it’s where both mr. fleurishing and I lived for many years, met, and married. We went down to spend time with Parker’s family (in celebration of his 40th), built around a business conference he had. It was a busy week, but we made time to visit the estate where we were married in 2009. Built in 1913, the Van Landingham Estate is an escape in the heart of Charlotte, and it won us over with it’s character + gorgeous gardens. We hadn’t been back since then, so bringing our children there was really special. It was a beautiful day, and you better believe I brought my camera to capture Henry + Marie there.




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 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

This week, we are all reaching for what comforts us most. For the kids, it’s their favorite friends…”baby” for Marie, and “teddy” for Henry. Teddy is well loved-he was mine as a child, and the fact that Henry loves him so much is very special for me. Marie received baby at Christmas, and has since carried her around everywhere we go. After Henry showed so much interest in her baby, we got him one as well…which she very quickly commandeered. So, she is now (quite appropriately and hilariously) the mother of two babies. It’s been an emotional week…with a mix of tears and smiles. Even at such a young age (18 months), the kids are missing Billy and knowing that something happened. They keep us busy and smiling though, and we’re so thankful for their innocent exuberance. It is a constant reminder to celebrate life.

post inspiration




 “A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014.”

We’re all feeling better and are finally ready to welcome 2014! So it begins…my very first 52 week project! I will be taking a portrait of our children each week, documenting their growth and capturing moments in time. It brings me so much joy to photograph them, even though at times it is very challenging (ahem, twins). My girly francophile heart nearly exploded seeing Marie in this outfit…it kills me, in the best kind of way. Henry could care less about fashion, but looked so handsome in his new trench. All he wanted to do was run down the driveway at a frightening (for mommy) speed. They are embracing toddlerhood in every sense of the word, and we are learning more about this crazy thing called parenting.

post inspiration

stars + stories



As the daughter of a librarian, I couldn’t be happier about my children’s love of books. I started reading to them before they could see past their noses, and even though at the time I felt a bit silly doing so, I’m so thankful I did. They devour books-in our laps, together, and even sitting alone in the quiet (which I find amazing at only 15 months old). Reading is a huge part of our day, but especially upon waking and before bedtime. This weekend we all piled into bed with our pajamas and favorite reads…and of course I grabbed the camera. The light was just too good, and the kids, too beautiful.

 *marie + henry are looking super cute and comfy in g.nancy star pyjamas*