bon weekend



You guys, this is what my desk looks like while planning for Paris. Ha…honestly it’s not that much of a stretch. Thank goodness for evernote, pinterest, and google maps. Most of my travel inspiration resides in the digital world now, although I do still (and will always) reference my collection of magazines and books. Even though I’ve explored much of the city over the years, my wish list for this trip is very long…and I’ll forever be discovering it. I’m so grateful for the connections I’ve made via social media, and the amazing blogs I’ve discovered, rich with travel inspiration. So, this weekend I’m leaving you with some links to inspire your francophile adventures…and you can check out my full list of favorites here.


prêt à voyager

haven in paris blog

de quelle planète es-tu

obvious state + the paris journal

lost in cheeseland + her AFAR Paris guide

i ♥ alsace



Today, and often, I have Alsace on my mind. It’s been three years since my last visit to this beautiful region of France, but it is always with me. My maternal great-grandmother, Marie, was the first of the family to immigrate to the States from Strasbourg (pictured above). My grandmother Florence was only 16 when her mother sadly passed from tuberculosis, but she shared so many lovely stories about her mother with me.  I’ve always wished to know more about Marie, and her mother, my great-great-grandmother (also Marie-seeing a pattern?!), to learn about their lives, and in turn, understand mine more deeply. Throughout my adult life I have searched for answers in my ancestry, and no place in France has ever felt more comfortable or familiar to me than Alsace. I take comfort in upholding family traditions and celebrating my heritage. Tomorrow I will be sharing an exciting collaboration, which incorporates my love for my Alsatian roots, festive celebrations, and the incredibly delicious food of the region. I can’t wait-come back tomorrow for the reveal!