at the orchard





Our love for Pennsylvania is most palpable in the fall. We live for the rolling countryside, rich autumnal hues, crisp temperatures, cider donuts, pumpkin patches, and yes…apple picking. It’s a tradition for us, and the kids have loved it since before they could walk. Thankfully, even though we moved, we’re still in the same county and our favorite orchard is within a reasonable distance. We spent a glorious afternoon there and enjoyed a private hayride during golden hour. We returned home with a bushel of red delicious apples, a few pumpkins, and hay-filled boots. Click through for more!


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blizzard bliss



Would you believe that thirty (yes, 30) inches of snow fell here in Pennsylvania?! I’m still in shock – it’s like a dream come true for me (and us). Once the blizzard conditions stopped and the concern of losing power (mostly) subsided, we were able to have some fun! The sun came out, people emerged from their cocoons, and we headed out on an adventure. Our local park was a scene of fluffy white perfection, and we just couldn’t resist it. Despite explaining to Henry + Marie that they wouldn’t be able to use the playground, it required some demonstration. Let me just say that Mr. Fleurishing and I achieved our cardio goals for the day and are a bit sore, but it was worth it. These moments and memories are priceless.






Marie was determined to swing (and actually did), but this photo is a great visual reference for the depth of snow. She’s not even touching bottom! We also had some fun around our building with the (still fresh) snow piles – they made for perfect slides. While I could have stayed out all day (and did go for a solo walk though town), the kids tired quickly of the cold and cried “uncle” (as referenced below). If you’re on the east coast like us, how did you fare with Jonas? Psst…all of this snow day action is still over on snapchat: hutchsusan, but hurry – it will self-destruct shortly!





outfit details: kids (reversible) jackets | je t’aime hats

bon weekend



Having spent much of my childhood playing in the snow, I expect (and always want) more of it, and it seems Mother Nature has granted my wish. We are (literally) snowed in right now in Pennsylvania, but thankfully still have power (fingers crossed it stays that way). I’m feeling a mix of exhilaration and legitimate concern…if you’re a mother, you’ll understand what I mean. While this photo does not convey the amount of snow we currently have, hopefully it evokes the mood of a cozy winter weekend. Here are some links for your weekend enjoyment…stay safe + warm east coast friends. 


 a love letter to winter

 when motherhood is easy

the french are storming brooklyn

afar’s top ten destinations for 2016

amazing video house tours via nytimes

christmas is coming!



With the weather finally feeling wintery yesterday, we decided it was the perfect day for tree hunting! We made the trek to our favorite local farm, just as we did last year, the year before, and ever since we’ve lived in Pennsylvania. I grew up doing the same with my parents – we always had a real tree. While I acknowledge the pros and cons of both real + faux, my preference will always be a live tree. The experience is timeless – from the hunt, the journey home, the setup (tangled lights and arguments included), the smell, and the magic and wonder. Henry and Marie really got into it this year!






After frolicking through the fields for a bit we got down to business, and found the perfect tree. While the kids probably would have opted for one just their size, we had other plans. Wanting to take advantage of our loft’s soaring ceilings, we decided to go big this year, and did we ever! We’re talking a ten foot douglas fir people – Marie and I both got a little concerned when Daddy started to cut it down, ha. After a joyous hayride + cup of hot cocoa, we returned home tired and triumphant, with another year of priceless holiday memories made. Let the countdown to Christmas begin!





 outfit details: marie’s coat + shoes | henry’s jeansboots

bon weekend



Well hello November! I took this photo last week (and shared it on instagram)…thanks to warmer temps and gentle breezes, we still have this gorgeous scene here in Pennsylvania. Seriously – this season has been the most beautiful I’ve seen in the six years we’ve lived here. I simply cannot get enough, and have been oversharing the gorgeous fall colors on snapchat! This week has been a doozy – my focus has been on a new design client (yay) – but that also means my blog + social media took a backseat. More to come next week, to include a recap of Garance Doré‘s book signing (and meeting one of my idols, squeal)! In the meantime, I’ll leave you with some autumn-inspired links for your weekend!


 homemade pumpkin spice latte

 10 reasons to visit paris in the fall

 unusual + cool fall european traditions

capturing your kids (think: holiday photos)

don’t miss the awesome fall sale at nordstrom