a christmas tradition



Cutting our own Christmas tree has become quite the tradition for our family. I grew up cutting fresh, and have such happy and hilarious memories of the event – it’s incredibly nostalgic for me. Even though we’ve been doing it since before we welcomed Marie + Henry into our lives, it became so much more special with them in tow. It’s hard to believe this is our fourth year doing it as a family! They are just so big now, I can’t get over it. I mean, we let them both carry the saw this year – that speaks volumes. Their bond is truly unbreakable, their friendship and love so very precious.





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the gift of music





We had a beautifully lazy, laid back, and musical Christmas! As it turns out Santa does read blogs…specifically, mine! The kids were bursting with excitement upon discovering the instruments (and more from their wish list) under the tree on Christmas morning. They immediately took to them, Henry bonding most with the violin, and Marie with the guitar ukelele (which I shared on snapchat). Santa gave them each their own “guitar”, and intended for the violin to be shared, but Henry laid claim to that pretty quickly. It was hard for us to argue with it – I mean, this boy has serious form + focus…


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a lofty christmas



This is our first Christmas in the loft, and we may have gotten a bit carried away with the tree. I should have had the kids stand next to it for scale (they helped select it), but that sucker is around 11′ tall! Our former home was a 1948 cottage, and while super cozy, I dreamed of our next place having soaring ceilings – you always want what you don’t have, right?! My tastes have grown more minimal over the years (for many reasons), but this year especially, I wanted to keep things as simple as possible. As much as I love our ornament collection (many vintage, from my grandmother), I just couldn’t stand the thought of decorating this giant tree the second week of December, only to have to undo the entire process shortly after. So, a naked tree (with lights) is what we ended up with, and it’s actually quite refreshing and lovely.






I always look forward to styling presents – I literally just finished wrapping everything yesterday afternoon. This year is a mix of black + natural with gold accents (I know, shocker). The big, fun, colorful present under tree is apparently a gift from the kids to me (no clue what it is). Clearly they had a lot of fun making it special for mommy. I can’t wait for Santa’s gifts to appear Christmas morning – Santa doesn’t gift wrap, did you know that? He likes to give moms + dads some time for coffee first (oh so grateful for that). Let the Christmas countdown begin! And here’s a few more glimpses of our place…




goody goody gift swap



If I made a list of all the reasons why I love social media, it would be…very long, ha. However-I would be sure that the Goody Goody Gift Swap was on it! It’s a holiday giftswap for creatives-pairing random individuals from around the world…taking us out of our electronic realm for a bit.  I discovered it via instagram in November and signed up immediately to participate. As “plugged in” as we all are, some good old fashioned mail is refreshing…don’t you agree?! I made a new friend in Wisconsin, and sent the present above to her. I can’t wait to find out what she thinks, and to receive mine-FUN! Many thanks to Jenna Cantagallo for the brilliant concept! Who knows…we could be swap mates next year!

thank you Erin Ellis for the (partial) use of your beautifully designed logo!